Sunday, February 3, 2013

Groundhog Day 2013
(AP Photo/Keith Srakocic)

I am trying to imagine the thought bubble over this rather resigned looking Punxsutawney Phil  yesterday during the annual Groundhog Day hoopla in Pennsylvania:

I have to hand it to America for our high wacky quotient, that 20,000 people would swing over to this corner of the globe to see if Phil sees his shadow or not. It seems that there are now competing groundhogs, a fella named Staten Island Chuck from New York and then General Beauregard Lee from Atlanta. But folks still seem to put their stock in Phil.

I read with interest that not only does he amble out of his den and either see or not see his shadow, he also "consults" with the president of the Inner Circle, a group of folks who "don top hats and tuxedos for the ceremony." There's a conversation I'd like to overhear.

It appears we are in for a treat. Phil didn't see his shadow; I'm not certain what other pearls he shared with the Inner Circle president but headlines read that spring is on its way.

Actually I kind of like our penchant for making a to-do, a zany little stir where there might otherwise be just the second day of February.

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