Friday, April 15, 2016


Lately I've stumbled upon all kinds of sweet things people are leaving for others. First, these painted rocks left on a beach,  encouraging folks to take one, then return with a painted rock to pass on to someone else, a collaborative kindness project of a Girl Scout troop and artists from a local art gallery. In Hartford, we walked past a church with beautifully colorful handcrafted scarves hanging on the fence out front. Each had a little tag that encouraged anyone who was cold or who knew someone who was cold to take one. And yesterday I passed two tiny "free libraries" full of books and a welcoming sign urging passersby to take something to read. It made the world seem that much warmer. 

Friday, January 1, 2016

A New Year

I've always been a New Years resolution writer.  I loved how you could wake up on a January morning and there it was - this empty canvas. 

I wrote my lists year in year out until some years ago when a kind of bah humbug feeling took hold, and for a couple of years, I didn't write them. But the start to the year felt a little uncelebrated, rudderless and flat. So I started again last year with just two words "worry less." 

This year the list is long and varied and instead of resolutions, I called it 'Hopes for 2016.' I liked the looser feeling it evoked. Possibilities with a perhaps tossed in.
A few of them:
Just be more
Be in the sun rising
Be as the story unfolds and gets written
Be as the hard time becomes another day and a new chance
Be grateful and hopeful and loving and glad.